1. If you are experiencing network issues, these are generally because the network is preventing certain traffic going between two endpoints. The chances of traffic being restricted increase the more ‘nodes’ there are between the two endpoints — which can be things such as switches, routers, mesh access points, powerline adapters, firewalls and VLANs.
  2. To troubleshoot, the best method is to ‘simplify’ and remove some or all of the nodes until it works, then add back in each node until it doesn’t, then work out why.
  3. The simplest setup is for the Mu-so 2nd Generation to be wired to the same router that the app is attached too wirelessly. If that works, then remove the wire so the product connects wirelessly direct to the router. If that works then start adding nodes back in, e.g. mesh, routers, etc until it fails. This will help you to diagnose where the route of your network issue is.